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Fragment number Vinzent 56
Klostermann 95
Rettb. 84
Ancient source used Eusebius, Against Marcellus
Modern edition M. Vinzent, Markell von Ankyra: Die Fragmente (Leiden, 1997).

So at any rate the apostle speaks in this way too, just as we said a little earlier, “He emptied himself, taking the form of a servant” (Phil 2:7), signifying to us through “the form of a servant” the human flesh which our Lord God formed by his Wisdom and said, “Let us make man according to our image and likeness” (Gen 1:26), naming human flesh his image and rightly so, for he knew exactly that in a little while it would be the image of his own Word.

Translated by PSAM, revised AMJ

Last updated: 8-29-2012

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