P. Jaffé and F. Kaltenbrunner, Regesta Pontificum Romanorum Ab Condita Ecclesia Ad Annum Post Christum Natum MCXCVIII, 2nd ed. (Leipzig 1885), 26.

The first edition of Jaffe-Kaltenbrunner used a different numbering system than the second edition, translated here. Extant letters considered genuine were listed in one numbering system, and letters considered false were listen in another. In the second edition of the Regesta, both genuine and spurious letters are included in one numbering system. An asterisk (*) indicates a letter no longer extant. A dagger (†) before a letter number indicates that the letter is considered false by Jaffe-Kaltenbrunner.

In addition, an Arabic numeral in parentheses following the letter number indicates the letter’s number in the first edition’s list of extant genuine letters, e.g., Letter 209 (40). A Roman numeral in parentheses following the letter number indicated the letter’s number in the first edition’s list of false letters, e.g., Letter †207 (CLI).

All information found within the chart, including parenthetical and bracketed information, is found in Jaffe-Kaltenbrunner. Any additional information will be found in the footnotes.

Date Place Letter Historical Event or Content of Letter Bibliographic Reference
May 25? He was made pontiff, but at what time cannot be tracked down beyond all doubt. Since Lipsius determines that Eusebius, Marcellus’ successor, entered the pontificate in 309, this year can be understood as the year of Marcellus’ death. And if 1 year, 6 (read: 7) months, and 20 days, which is assigned to him the Liberian Catalogue is subtracted from January 15 of that year, the day of his ordination would be May 25, 307. LIP p. 249;
LC p. 636
Apr 1 †160 (cxviii) Solicitudinem omnium ecclesiarum.”
He encourages all the bishops established throughout the province of Antioch to follow the precepts of the blessed Peter. To the Roman see “should all major church business is ordered to be referred. All bishops should flee to it and appeal to it so that they may receive protection and liberty from the same place as they received information and consecration.” “Let no synod happen except by the authority of this see and let no bishop be heard and judged as having been driven out for any crimes at all except for in a legitimate synod assembled at its proper time under apostolic authority.”
PS-IS p. 233;
MAN 1:1262;
PL 7:1091
Jan 17 †161 (cxix) Magistra bonorum omnium.”
He discourages Maxentius from pursuing Christians. He adds precepts about dragging about the priests, about accusing and judging the bishops, about synods not being assembled without the order of the apostolic see, and about the appeal to the apostolic see, etc.
PS-IS p. 226;
MAN 1:1265;
PL 7:1096
†162 (cxx) Illud autem statuendum.”
He forbids boys presented to the monastery from being detained against their will once they have reached their fifteenth year.
GRA C20q1c10;
MAN 1:1270;
PL 7:1100 (6:22)
He is sent into exile (Damasian Epitaph in Rossi). ROS 2:204
Jan 15 He dies “after the tenth consulship [of Maximianus Herculius] and the seventh [of Maximianus Galerius]” (Cf. Liberian Catalogue above). Depositio episcoporum, which reads Marcellinus for Marcellus, shows the day of his death. This is more trustworthy than Jerome’s Martyrology, which gives January 16. LC 1.1;
DEP p. 631
Rome He is buried in the cemetery of Priscilla. Cf. Rossi. DEP 1.1;
ROS 2:105

Bibliographical References:

DEP = Depositio episcoporum, in Mommsen, Roemische Geschichte (Leipzig, 1856)

GRA = Gratiani decretum in Corp. iur. can.

LC = Liberian Catalogue, in Mommsen, Roemische Geschichte (Leipzig, 1856)

LIP = Lipsius, Chronologie der Roemischen Bischoefe bis zur Mitte des vierten Jahrhunderts

MAN = Mansi, Conciliorum amplissima collectio (Florence, 1759)

PL = Migne, Patrologiae cursus complectus. Series latina.

PS-IS = Decretales Pseudo-Isidorianae et Capitula Angilrammi, ed. Hinschius (Leipzig, 1863)

ROS = De Rossi, La Roma Sotteranea Cristiana (Rome, 1864)


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