Document: Chronicle (updated version of Eusebius’ Chronicle)
Reference: CPL 615c (CPG 3494)
Date: c. 380 (Kelly, p. 33)
Incipit: Vetus iste disertorum mos
Addressees: Vincentius and Gallienus
Earliest ms.: Codex Oxoniensis Bodleianus Lat. auct. T II 26 (Fifth century)
Latin Text: Rudolf Helm. Die Chronik des Hieronymus = Hieronymi Chronicon, GCS 47=Eusebius’ Werke 7 (Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1956).The electronic Patrologia Latina Database text corrected against the edition of J. K. Fotheringham:
English Translation: Online collaborative translation led by Roger Pearse:
Includes an introduction.Preface tranlated by Stephan Rebenich, (see abbreviations), pp. 75-78.Malcolm Drew Donalson. A translation of Jerome’s Chronicon with historical commentary (Lewiston: Mellen University Press, 1996)
Notes: This was a history from Abraham to Jerome’s own day. Jerome’s work was a translation and revision of Eusebius of Caesarea’s Chronicon.Preface translated by W.H. Fremantle, “Preface to the Chronicle of Eusebius” in NPNF2, vol. 6 (New York, 1893), pp. 483-84.
Bibliography: Brugnoli, Curiosissimus Excerptor: Gli Additamenta di Girolamo ai Chronica di Eusebio (Pisa 1995) comments on the text of Helm.

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