Document: On the Locations and Names of Hebrew Places
Latin Title: De locis or De situ et nominibus locorum Hebraicorum liber
Reference: CPL 581a
Incipit: Eusebius, qui a
Date: c. 389/391 (Kelly p. 155)
Latin Text: E. Klostermann, Das Onomastikon der biblischen Ortsnamen, GCS vol. 11.1=Eusebius’ Werke vol. 3.1 (Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs, 1904)Migne, ed., Liber De Situ Et Nominibus Locorum Hebraicorum, PL vol. 23, coll. 859-928.
English Translation: Preface translated by W.H. Fremantle, “Preface to the Book on the Sites and Names of Hebrew Places” in NPNF2, vol. 6 (New York, 1893), pp. 485-86.
Notes: This is a revision/translation of Eusebius’ Book of Places (Onomastikon). Confusion may arise, because of another work with a similar name, Jerome’s On the Interpretation of Hebrew Names, which has also been called Onomastikon.

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