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CPG 3735
Actual Author or Source unknown
Source of Attribution to Julius I Apollinarian forgery
Text Greek: Lietzmann, Apollinaris von Laodicea und seine Schule: Texte und Untersuchungen, 292-293.
Syriac: Flemming-Lietzmann 41-42
Latin: ACO 2.2.1
Other Translations German: Graf, “Unechte Zeugnisse,” 221-222
Source of Information Thompson, Correspondence of Julius I, xxxv-xxxvii, xl, 182

1. To the bishops of the catholic church everywhere, beloved brothers, [Julius], greetings in the Lord.

I am convinced, beloved brothers, of the faith which we have concerning the Lord and God and King from the church history from the Prophet Hosea about God the Word and about the Father, here called the Lord: “I will forsake Jacob and wipe them out, for I am God and not a man, the Holy One among you, and I will not come against a city. I will go after the Lord” (Hos 11:9). God the Word, after becoming human, said these things and said as much through these things to those who were confessing that he was simply a holy man but not equal to God, “I am God and not a man.”

2. I believe in the triad, that is, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in one deity and essence both glorified and worshipped.
And in the descent from heaven and the incarnation from the holy Virgin Mary and the appearance of God the Word, our Savior, Jesus Christ, and his revelation among men. For he is God and man, not that there is one who is God and another who is man, but one hypostasis and one person of God the Word and the flesh from Mary, from God and from woman, the same person both passible and impassible. He suffered in his flesh and received our suffering but in his deity he put an end to suffering and destroyed our death by his salvific death. He illuminated life and gives believers incorruptibility, the enjoyment of the good to come, and the inheritance of the divine kingdom of heaven with its glory as well.

Translated by AMJ

Last updated: 8-31-2012

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