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Fragment number Vinzent 93
Klostermann 79
Ancient source used Eusebius, Against Marcellus 2.19; 2.1 (partial)
Modern edition M. Vinzent, Markell von Ankyra: Die Fragmente (Leiden, 1997).

So how is he not obviously convicted of being a false teacher by the holy prophet Jeremiah not clearly convict him of being a false teacher? For when he prophesies to us things about the Savior, he says, “He is God, and no one else will be reckoned with him. He found the entire path of understanding and he gave it to his son Jacob, to his beloved Israel. After these things he appeared upon the earth, and lived together with men” (Bar 3:36-38).

Translated by Brandon Rogers under the supervision of Prof. Glen L. Thompson, revised AMJ

Last updated: 8-29-2012

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