Latin Title: De Macabeis, homiliae 1-3
Reference: CPG 4354
PG 50, 617-628
Savile 5, 633-641
Incipit: Ὡς φαιδρὰ καὶ περιχαρὴς ἡμῖν ἡ πόλις
Date: 386-397 (Mayer)
Greek Text: PG 50, 617-628
Other Ancient Versions: Latin (see CPG Vol. 2 p. 505)
English Translation: W. Mayer with B. Neil, The Cult of the Saints. John Chrysostom, New York: St Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2006, 135-153.
Other Modern Translations: French (see Centre for Early Christian Studies)

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