Document: Letter 67 (Augustine)
Reference: Stegmuller 3384
Incipit: Domino dilectissimo et cultu
Addressee: Jerome
Date: Unknown
Earliest ms.: Paris, France: Bibliotheque Nationale, Lat. 13047, f. 68v-72v 8th century. (Lambert, I: p. 722)
Latin Text: CSEL 54, pp. 666-674
English Translation: Cunningham, p. 272-75 (NPNF Letters of Augustine)

Jerome having written him a short letter (no longer extant) Augustine now replies. He speaks with approval of Jerome’s treatise On Famous Men, incorrectly called the Epitaph (see Letter 112 section 3). He also repeats his objections to Jerome’s account of the quarrel between Paul and Peter at Antioch and then concludes with a request that he will draw up a short notice of the principal heresies condemned by the Church.

Like the preceding letter of Augustine (Letter 56) this also failed to reach Jerome. It was however published in the West, but without Augustine’s knowledge and by degrees its contents found their way to Bethlehem where they caused much annoyance and pain.

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