Date 346
Council Jerusalem
Ancient Sources Athanasius, Apol. c. Ar. 57; Sozoment, HE 3.22

The holy council, assembled at Jerusalem, to the fellow-ministers in Egypt and Libya, and to the presbyters, deacons, and people at Alexandria, brethren beloved and greatly longed for, sends health in the Lord.

We cannot give worthy thanks to the God of all, dearly beloved, for the wonderful things which He has done at all times, and especially at this time for your church, in restoring to you your pastor and lord, and our fellow-minister Athanasius. For who ever hoped that his eyes would see what you are now actually obtaining? Of a truth, your prayers have been heard by the God of all, who cares for his church, and has looked upon your tears and groans, and has therefore heard your petitions. For you were as sheep scattered and fainting, not having a shepherd (Matt. 9:36). Therefore the true Shepherd, who cares for his own sheep, has visited you from heaven, and has restored to you him whom you desire. Behold, we also, being ready to do all things for the peace of the church, and being prompted by the same affection as yourselves, have saluted him before you; and communicating with you through him, we send you these greetings, and our offering of thanksgiving, that you may know that we also are united in the bond of love that joins you to him. You are bound to pray also for the piety of our most God-beloved emperors, who, when they knew your earnest longings after him, and his innocence, determined to restore him to you with all honor. Therefore receive him with uplifted hands, and take good heed that you offer up due thanksgiving on his behalf to God who has bestowed these blessings upon you; so that you may continually rejoice with God and glorify our Lord, in Christ Jesus our Lord, through whom to the Father be glory for ever. Amen

Translation from NPNF2 vol. 4, p. 130

Adapted by SMT

Last updated: 2-8-2012

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