Volume 5: Collectio Palatina (1924-1926), Part One

First Collection of Palatina

Pages Document no.TitleIncipitCPG
3-41Pope Anastasius I, Letter to Bishop John of Jerusalem concerning the reputation of RufinusPro tanto igitur praeconio
4-52On the Faith Itaque deo praesente
5-703-36Documents Collected and Translated by Marius Mercator
5-233-14Marius Mercator’s commentary against the heresy of Pelagius and Celestine Quaestio contra catholicam
23-2815-18Theodore of Mopsuestia, Letter and translation of his confessionHunc ego pro facultate
28-4619-24Nestorius, Letter and translation of sermonsDa igitur ueniam5707, 5708, 5716, 5730, 8631, 8655, & 8656
46-4925Nestorius, Letter to CyrilIniurias quidem aduersum 5669
49-5126Cyril, Letter to NestoriusGarriunt quidem, sicut audio5304
51-5227Cyril, Letter 2 to NestoriusVenerabiles uiri ac fide5302
52-5528Cyril, Letter 10 to the Clergy and Official of Constantinople Legi litteras missas 5309
55-6029 Nestorius, Discussion on the different books and selections of Cyril
Ita de codice confecto
60-6530-34 Nestorius, Sermons against the heresy of Pelagius or Celestine
Spem enim absolutionis5695, 5709, 5717, 5719 & 5720
6535Nestorius, Letter to Celestine Noli aegre ferre, uenerabilis5668 & 8633
66-7036Letter of instruction on the name Celestine translated from the Greek sermon
Caelestius quidam, eunuchus matris
71-8437Chapters of Cyril and Nestorius with the disputation of the collector
Cyrillus dixit: Si quis non confitetur5761
84-11638Gesta Ephesus-Events at Ephesus on July 22, 431 ADIussu augustissimorum piissimorumque8721
116-142 39Cyril, apology in twelve chapters against the EasternersQui suam mentem deo sancto5221
142-16540Cyril, apology in twelve chapters against Theodoret Legi quae tua santimonia5222 & 5384
165-16941Selections from the five books of Theodoret opposing CyrilPriusquam conuentus apud Ephesum 6215
169-17042Selections from the book of Theodoret concerning the Incarnation Nam si non habuit humanam 6216
170-17243-49Selection from the Letters of TheodoretQuod urbana me conuersatio6244, 6248, 6250, 6256, 6263, 6270 & 6275
17350From the acts written against the Bishop Domnus of AntiochUbi sunt qui dicunt
173-17751Selections from the book of Theodore of MopsuestiaNo ait mortales eritis6229
177-17952Selections from Diodorus of TarsusHoc autem de uerbo dei no potest
179 53The blasphemies of Hiba of EdessaQuod enim ipse factus
179-18154Selections from Eutherios of TyanaQuae sententia catholicae
Addition Collection Of Palatina
18255Nestorius, Letter to Celestine Didici honestissimum Cyrillum 5670 & 8658
182-18356Cyril, Synodical Letter to Nestorius Cum saluator noster
184-21557Cyril, Scholia concerning the Incarnation of the Only-Begotten Oleo namque unguebantur5225

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