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Fragment number Vinzent 2
Klostermann 34
Rettb. 29
Ancient source used Eusebius, Against Marcellus 1.4
Modern edition M. Vinzent, Markell von Ankyra: Die Fragmente (Leiden, 1997).
Translator’s Note In this fragment, Marcellus, with the intent of refuting, quotes the writings of Asterius about the manner in which the Father brought forth the Son. According to Asterius, those who are fleshly and sensual claim that he fathered the Son in the normal, human way. Such views, the product of fleshly thinking, are claimed as fact. Since the fragment does not contain Marcellus comments concerning this quote, we are uncertain of what exactly he finds wrong with Asterius teaching on this point.

I will remind you of the things he has written in praise of what Eusebius has wrongly written, so that you may know that he clearly shrinks from his earlier promise. For he has written in his very own words, “The main point of the letter is to attribute the birth of the Son to the will of the Father and declare the birth of God as something impassible. The wisest of the fathers declared this in their own writings, guarding themselves against the wickedness of the heretics who falsely assert that God’s childbearing is something bodily and passible by teaching of emanations.

Translated by Daniel Noonan under the supervision of Prof. Glen L. Thompson, revised AMJ

Last updated: 8-29-2012

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