Document: Translation of the Prophets according to the Hebrew
Incipit: Isaiah: Nemo cum Prophetas
Jeremiah: Hieremias propheta cui
Ezekiel: Hiezechiel propheta cum
Daniel: Danihelem prophetam iuxta
The Twelve: Non idem ordo
Addressee: Paula and Eustochium (each Prophet)
Date: 393
Latin Text: R. Weber and B. Gryson, eds., Biblia sacra: iuxta Vulgatam versionem (Stuttgart 1994). [text provided by Douay-Rheims Bible Online]
English Translation (Preface Only): Preface to Isaiah translated by K.P. Edgecomb: here.
Preface to Jeremiah translated by K.P. Edgecomb: here.
Preface to Ezekiel translated by K.P. Edgecomb: here.
Preface to Daniel translated by K.P. Edgecomb: here.
Preface to the Twelve translated by K.P. Edgecomb: here.
Prefaces to Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel summarized, Daniel and the Twelve translated in W.H. Fremantle, “Prefaces” in NPNF2, vol. 6 (New York, 1893), pp. 492-93.
Notes: This was eventually incorporated into the Vulgate.

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