Author: John Chrysostom
Latin Title: De sancta pentecoste homiliae 1-2
Reference: CPG 4343
PG 50, 453-470
Savile 5, 602-614
Incipit: Πάλιν ἑορτὴ, καὶ πάλιν πανήγυρις
Date: 386 (Kelly); 386-397 (Rambault)
Greek Text: N. Rambault, Jean Chrysostome. Homélies sur la résurrection, l’ascension et la pentecôte. Tome 2 (SC 562), Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 2014.
Other Modern Translations: French (Rambault)
Notes: This homily is combined in the PG and CPG with a second homily on Holy Pentecost, but Rambault, in agreement with Voicu, asserts that the second is inauthentic. While Rambault does not believe the date of the genuine Chrysostom homily can be precisely determined by internal or external evidence, Kelly believes Chrysostom preached it on Pentecost in 386.

Created NJ 1/4/16

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