Latin Title: De Davide et Saule homiliae 1-3
Reference: CPG 4412
PG 54, 675-708
Savile 8, 9-17; Savile 5, 83-100
Incipit: Ὅταν χρονία τις καὶ σκληρὰ φλεγμονὴ
Greek Text: F. Barone, (ed.), Iohannis Chrysostomi de Davide et Saule homiliae tres (CCSG 70), Turnhout: Brepols, 2008.
Other Ancient Versions: Coptic and Old Russian (see CPG Vol. 2 p. 518)
English Translation: R.C Hill, St. John Chrysostom: Old Testament Homilies, vol. 1, Brookline, Mass.: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2003.
Other Modern Translations: Italian (see Centre for Early Christian Studies)

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