Latin Title: In epistulam ad Titum homiliae 1-6
Reference: CPG 4438
PG 62, 663-700
Savile 4, 381-409
Incipit: Τῶν Παύλῳ συνόντων δόκιμος οὗτος ἦν
Date: c. 394 (Kelly)
Greek Texts: F. Field, Joannis Chrysostomi Interpretatio Omnium Epistularum Paulinarum, vol. 6, Oxford: Bibliotheca Patrum, 1854-1862, p. 264 sqq.

W. Fick, “Les homélies de Jean Chrysostome sur les Épîtres à Tite et Philémon: texte grec, traduction et commentaire”, unpub. diss., Université de Strasbourg 2, 1992.

M. Konstantinidou, “Prolegomena to an edition of John Chrysostom’s Homilies on the letters of Saint Paul to Titus and Philemon”, unpub. diss., Oxford University, 2001.

Other Ancient Versions: Syriac, Armenian, and Coptic (see CPG Vol. 2 p. 528)
English Translation: P. Schaff, “On the Epistle of St. Paul the Apostle to Titus” in NPNF1, vol. 13 (New York, 1889), p. 519-543.
A revised translation of the homilies by Kevin Knight is available online here.
Other Modern Translations: French and Portuguese (see Centre for Early Christian Studies)

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