1.5.1 When the battle had not yet been decided and the lines of battle were still evenly-matched, God armed Constantine from heaven by showing him the saving symbol of the cross shining brilliantly in the sky. The words revealed the power of the appearance, saying, “In this, conquer!”

1.5.2 By the unbelievers, this story is considered to be a myth and a fiction invented to go along with our beliefs. But to those who are accustomed to believing the truth, the proof of what happened is clear. For after these things, God, the artist who painted this symbol, exhibited by his acts the grace which was rightly foretold by what was written.

1.5.3 But even if we have not yet fully persuaded you of the things which we write—for we are copying the histories of our predecessors from a short time back, who gathered what was useful from the ones living at that time—nevertheless, one need not continuously disbelieve these things. For even in our own generation, those who fought along with Constantius, the son of Constantine, were eye-witnesses to new visions, and thus cured the old unbelief.

1.5.4 For if it is Hebrews who are denying these things, their own books contain many things much more unbelievable than these—a sea walked upon as dry land, water walled up, and a sea walked over; God spoke in a bush, and a fire gave laws, and a war-trumpet rang out in the wilderness without an instrument; and angels fought alongside and served as commanders of the Lord’s army, fighting in his phalanx, and throwing hailstones and missiles of fire instead of the usual spears. Nevertheless, without further inquiry or investigation, all those of sound mind agree on them. For when God wills, nothing is impossible.

1.5.5 Or if it is Greeks who are not accepting the wondrous event, we have much to say, which we would prefer not to say. How many things did the diviners prophesy to Alexander when he was about to enter into the war at Granicus and draw up his line of battle against Darius? (And what’s more, these fictions of theirs had no visual confirmation!) And how could a divine spirit (δαιμόνιος) predict things to the philosopher Socrates, telling him through a voice the outcomes of things which were not to be done? And what about the events surrounding Pythagoras of Samos which were compiled by his disciples?

1.5.6 I will also say nothing about the fictions of the poets and how some of the famous ones among them even proposed that some of their supposed gods fight alongside them, lest anyone should think that I am comparing legends with truths and things which never took place with things that did.

1.5.7 For those who have experienced the abundantly powerful grace of Christ know that since the time it bloomed for men, it has revealed itself in heaven and on earth and in the sea and in plants and in trees and in clothing and in sickness and in health and in food and in drink as that which was, is, and will be a healing cure. And we will expound on it at the proper time as our narrative continues.


Next Chapter – 1.6 The replica of the cross in the sky which Emperor Constantine made

Previous Chapter – 1.4 Emperor Constantine’s war against the tyrant Maxentius

Click here to read Book 1 in its entirety.


Created by NJ 4-18-17

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