2.2.1 “That priest named Arius, whom, as we said, Alexander, the bishop of Alexandria, considered worthy of such an honor, appeared to be a rather pious man, but in reality he was a hot-headed lover of glory and innovation.1 He began to promote some strange teachings about the faith in Christ which no one had ever sought out or introduced before.

2.2.2 By attempting to divide our only-begotten Lord Jesus Christ from the indescribable and eternal divine nature of the Father, he became responsible for much tumult throughout the church.

2.2.3 But Alexander, of course, with his gentle nature, wanted to change Arius for the better through appropriate pieces of advice, so for a time he decided not to pass judgment on him yet. Because of this, the pestilential heretical condition spread to many. Then, as from a small spark, a great fire burst out.

2.2.4 And the evil which began in the church of Alexandria ran rampant throughout other cities and districts.

2.2.5 Finally, when Alexander realized that the problem was becoming even worse, he convened a council of the bishops under him and deposed Arius. He explained his reasoning to his fellow ministers, laying out the situation concerning Arius rather extensively and inspiring zeal to destroy the heresy. He encouraged them to prepare especially to be discerning by writing to them as follows:”2


Next Chapter – 2.3 Bishop Alexander’s decree pronouncing the deposition of Arius and those on his side, which was sent to all the bishops everywhere

Previous Chapter – 2.1 The peace of the churches of God and the sovereignty of Emperor Consantine after the ungodly Licinius was destroyed

Click here to read Book 1 in its entirety.


Created by NJ 6-26-17

Updated by RR 5-27-21

  1. Some manuscripts say “vanity” instead of “innovation.”
  2. The following letter was preserved in Socrates, H.E. 1.6.4-30; in Athanasius, De decr. 35-37; and, according to Hansen, in Gelasius, Fragm. 10.

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