2.36.1 “To the bishops and laypeople, from Victor Constantinus Maximus Augustus. Since Arius imitates evil and ungodly people, he deserves the same dishonor they do. Porphyry, an enemy of godliness who wrote certain illegal treatises against religion, received the reward he deserved (he was disgraced from then on, his reputation was ruined, and his ungodly treatises were destroyed). So now it also seemed right to call Arius and those who agree with him Porphyryians so that they would have the same name as those they have imitated. In addition, anything written by Arius should be burned. In this way his bad teaching will be obliterated and absolutely no memory of him will survive.

2.36.2 Moreover, I declare that anyone caught hiding a work written by Arius rather than immediately handing it over to be burned shall incur the death penalty. Upon conviction on this charge, he shall at once face capital punishment. May God watch over you, dear brothers.”

2.36.3 The emperor also wrote other more eloquent letters against Arius and those of the same opinion as him and had them posted all over the cities.1


Next Chapter – 2.37 Emperor Constantine’s letter against Arius to the Alexandrians and all the orthodox

Previous Chapter – 2.35 A general letter written by Eusebius, the Bishop of Caesarea Palestine

Click here to read Book 1 in its entirety.


Created by RR 9-29-21

  1. The following letter (CPG 8517) is also preserved in Athanasius, De decretis 38; Socrates 1.9.17-25.

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