2.9.1 Among them was the great saint Paphnutius, whose presence adorned the company of confessors and bishops. He was an Egyptian, a man of God numbered among those whose right eyes Emperor Maximinus had gouged out and whose left hamstring tendons he had cut.1 Then he handed them over to work in the mines.

2.9.2 God’s grace was so strong in him that he did miracles equal to those done long ago by the apostles. He drove away demons with a single word, healed various sick people with prayer, granted sight to the blind by entreating God, and restored natural strength to the paralyzed, making their limbs function normally. The emperor regarded him with great honor; he frequently invited him to his palace and kissed his empty eye socket. Such was the pious emperor’s trust in the saints.

Next Chapter – 2.10 The holy Spyridon

Previous Chapter – 2.8 The emperor receives the petitions of the bishops

Click here to read the entire ACH account of the Council of Nicaea (2.5-2.38) side-by-side with the Greek text.

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Created by RR 6-22-21

  1. While the manuscripts read Maximianus, the correct reading must be Maximinus, referring to Maximinus Daza (r. 310-313), who ruled Egypt until his death in July, 313. Maximianus (r. 306-311) was Augustus in the West.

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