CPG 3736
Author unknown
Greek Text Lietzmann, Apollinaris von Laodicea und seine Schule: Texte und Untersuchungen, 293-294.

We confess our Lord Jesus Christ who was begotten of the Father before the ages according to the spirit, born in the last of the days from a virgin according to the flesh, one composite person from heavenly deity and human flesh, and as one man, wholly God and wholly man. Wholly God even with the body but not God according to the body, and wholly man even with the deity but not man according to the deity. Thus wholly worshipped even with the body but not worshipped according to the body. Wholly worshipping even with the deity but not worshipping according to the deity. Wholly uncreated even with the body but not uncreated according to the body. Wholly formed even with the deity but not formed according to the deity. Wholly consubstantial to God even with the body but not consubstantial to God according to the body, just as he is not consubstantial to men according to the deity and yet while being with the deity he is consubstantial to us according to the flesh. For also when we say that he is consubstantial to God according to the spirit, we do not say that he is consubstantial to men according to the spirit. And furthermore, when we proclaim that he is consubstantial to men according to the flesh, we do not proclaim that he is consubstantial to God according to the flesh. For just as he is not consubstantial to us according to the spirit, since according to this he is consubstantial to God, in this way he is not consubstantial to God according to the flesh, since according to this he is consubstantial to us. Just as these things are distinguished and articulated not as a division of the one indivisible person but as an explanation of the unconfounded attributes of the flesh and the Word, so also we maintain the things of the undivided composite.

Translated by AMJ

Last updated: 6-13-2013

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