Date: 311
Greek Text: Eusebius, CH 8.17.3–10 (Loeb 265:316–20)
Latin Text: Lactantius, On the death of the persecutors 34.1–35.1 (MPL 7:249–50)
Other Ancient Versions:
English Translation: NPNF2 1:339–40, adapted by R. Read
3. Αὐτοκράτωρ Καῖσαρ Γαλέριος Οὐαλέριος Μαξιμιανὸς ἀνίκητος Σεβαστός, ἀρχιερεὺς μέγιστος, Γερμανικὸς μέγιστος, Αἰγυπτιακὸς μέγιστος, Θηβαϊκὸς μέγιστος, Σαρματικὸς μέγιστος πεντάκις, Περσῶν μέγιστος δίς, Κάρπων μέγιστος ἑξάκις, Ἀρμενίων μέγιστος, Μήδων μέγιστος, Ἀδιαβηνῶν μέγιστος, δημαρχικῆς ἐξουσίας τὸ εἰκοστόν, αὐτοκράτωρ τὸ ἐννεακαιδέκατον, ὕπατος τὸ ὄγδοον, πατὴρ πατρίδος, ἀνθύπατος· 3. Emperor Caesar Galerius Valerius Maximinus, Invictus, Augustus, Pontifex Maximus, conqueror of the Germans, conqueror of the Egyptians, conqueror of the Thebans, five times conqueror of the Sarmatians, conqueror of the Persians, twice conqueror of the Carpathians, six times conqueror of the Armenians, conqueror of the Medes, conqueror of the Adiabeni, tribune of the people for the twentieth time, emperor for the nineteenth time, consul for the eighth time, father of the fatherland, proconsul;
4. καὶ Αὐτοκράτωρ Καῖσαρ Φλαύιος Οὐαλέριος Κωνσταντῖνος εὐσεβὴς εὐτυχὴς ἀνίκητος Σεβαστός, ἀρχιερεὺς μέγιστος, δημαρχικῆς ἐξουσίας, αὐτοκράτωρ τὸ πέμπτον, ὕπατος, πατὴρ πατρίδος, ἀνθύπατος. 4. and Emperor Caesar Flavius Valerius Constantinus, Pius, Felix, Invictus, Augustus, Pontifex Maximus, tribune of the people, emperor for the fifth time, consul, father of the fatherland, proconsul;
5. [καὶ Αὐτοκράτωρ Καῖσαρ Οὐαλέριος Λικιννιανὸς Λικίννιος εὐσεβὴς εὐτυχὴς ἀνίκητος Σεβαστός, ἀρχιερεὺς μέγιστος, δημαρχικῆς ἐξουσίας τὸ τέταρτον, αὐτοκράτωρ τὸ τρίτον, ὕπατος, πατὴρ πατρίδος, ἀνθύπατος, ἐπαρχιώταις ἰδίοις χαίρειν.] 5. and Emperor Caesar Valerius Licinianus Licinius, Pius, Felix, Invictus, Augustus, Pontifex Maximus, tribune of the people for the fourth time, emperor for the third time, consul, father of the fatherland, proconsul; to the people of their provinces: Greetings.
6. Μεταξὺ τῶν λοιπῶν, ἅπερ ὑπὲρ τοῦ χρησίμου καὶ λυσιτελοῦς τοῖς δημοσίοις διατυπούμεθα, ἡμεῖς μὲν βεβουλήμεθα πρότερον κατὰ τοὺς ἀρχαίους νόμους καὶ τὴν δημοσίαν ἐπιστήμην τὴν τῶν Ῥωμαίων ἅπαντα ἐπανορθώσασθαι καὶ τούτου πρόνοιαν ποιήσασθαι ἵνα καὶ οἱ Χριστιανοί, οἵτινες τῶν γονέων τῶν ἑαυτῶν καταλελοίπασιν τὴν αἵρεσιν, εἰς ἀγαθὴν πρόθεσιν ἐπανέλθοιεν· 6. Among the other things which we have ordained for public advantage and profit, we formerly wished to restore everything to conformity with the ancient laws and public discipline of the Romans and to see to it that the Christians also, who have forsaken the religion of their ancestors, should return to a good disposition. Inter caetera quae pro Reipublicae semper commodis atque utilitate disponimus, nos quidem uolueramus antehac, iuxta leges ueteres et publicam disciplinam, Romanarum cuncta corrigere, atque id prouidere, ut etiam Christiani, qui parentum suorum reliquerant sectam, ad bonas mentes redirent.
7. ἐπείπερ τινὶ λογισμῷ τοσαύτη αὐτοὺς πλεονεξία κατεσχήκει καὶ ἄνοια κατειλήφει ὡς μὴ ἕπεσθαι τοῖς ὑπὸ τῶν πάλαι καταδειχθεῖσιν, ἅπερ ἴσως πρότερον καὶ οἱ γονεῖς αὐτῶν ᾖσαν καταστήσαντες, ἀλλὰ κατὰ τὴν αὐτῶν πρόθεσιν καὶ ὡς ἕκαστος ἐβούλετο, οὕτως ἑαυτοῖς καὶ νόμους ποιῆσαι καὶ τούτους παραφυλάσσειν καὶ ἐν διαφόροις διάφορα πλήθη συνάγειν. 7. For in some way such arrogance had seized them and such stupidity overtaken them that they did not follow the ancient institutions which possibly their own ancestors had formerly established. Instead they made for themselves laws according to their own purpose as each one desired, observed them, and assembled as separate congregations in various places. Siquidem eadem ratione tanta eosdem Christianos voluntas inuasisset, et tanta stultitia occupasset, ut non illa ueterum instituta sequerentur, quae forsitan primum parentes eorumdem constituerant: sed pro arbitrio suo, atque ut hisdem erat libitum, ita sibimet leges facerent, quas obseruarent, et per diuersa uarios populos congregarent.
8. τοιγαροῦν τοιούτου ὑφ’ ἡμῶν προστάγματος παρακολουθήσαντος ὥστε ἐπὶ τὰ ὑπὸ τῶν ἀρχαίων κατασταθέντα ἑαυτοὺς μεταστήσαιεν, πλεῖστοι μὲν κινδύνῳ ὑποβληθέντες, πλεῖστοι δὲ ταραχθέντες παντοίους θανάτους ὑπέφερον· 8. When we had issued this decree that they should return to the institutions established by the ancients, a great many submitted under danger, but many others were harassed and endured all kinds of deaths. Denique cum eiusmodi nostra iussio extitisset, ut ad ueterum se instituta conferrent, multi periculo subiugati, multi etiam deturbati sunt;
9. καὶ ἐπειδὴ τῶν πολλῶν τῇ αὐτῇ ἀπονοίᾳ διαμενόντων ἑωρῶμεν μήτε τοῖς θεοῖς τοῖς ἐπουρανίοις τὴν ὀφειλομένην θρῃσκείαν προσάγειν αὐτοὺς μήτε τῷ τῶν Χριστιανῶν προσέχειν, ἀφορῶντες εἰς τὴν ἡμετέραν φιλανθρωπίαν καὶ τὴν διηνεκῆ συνήθειαν δι᾿ ἧς εἰώθαμεν ἅπασιν ἀνθρώποις συγγνώμην ἀπονέμειν, προθυμότατα καὶ ἐν τούτῳ τὴν συγχώρησιν τὴν ἡμετέραν ἐπεκτεῖναι δεῖν ἐνομίσαμεν, ἵνα αὖθις ὦσιν Χριστιανοὶ καὶ τοὺς οἴκους ἐν οἷς συνήγοντο, συνθῶσιν οὕτως ὥστε μηδὲν ὑπεναντίον τῆς ἐπιστήμης αὐτοὺς πράττειν. δι᾿ ἑτέρας δὲ ἐπιστολῆς τοῖς δικασταῖς δηλώσομεν τί αὐτοὺς παραφυλάξασθαι δεήσει· 9. And since many continue in the same folly, and we perceive that they neither offer to the heavenly gods the worship which is due nor pay regard to the God of the Christians, in consideration of our benevolence and our invariable custom, by which we are wont to extend pardon to all people, we have determined that we ought to cheerfully extend our indulgence in this matter also. They may again be Christians and may rebuild the meeting halls in which they were accustomed to assemble on the condition that they do nothing contrary to discipline. In another letter we shall indicate to the magistrates what they have to observe. atque cum plurimi in proposito perseuerent, ac uideremus nec diis eosdem cultum ac religionem debitam exhibere, nec christianorum Deum obseruere, contemplatione mitissimae nostrae clementiae intuentes et consuetudinem sempiternam, qua solemus cunctis hominibus ueniam indulgere, promptissimam in his quoque indulgentiam nostram credidimus porrigendam; ut denuo sint Christiani, et conuenticula sua componant, ita ut ne quid contra disciplinam agant. Alia autem epistola iudicibus significaturi sumus, quid debent obseruare.
10. ὅθεν κατὰ ταύτην τὴν συγχώρησιν τὴν ἡμετέραν ὀφείλουσιν τὸν ἑαυτῶν θεὸν ἱκετεύειν περὶ τῆς σωτηρίας τῆς ἡμετέρας καὶ τῶν δημοσίων καὶ τῆς ἑαυτῶν, ἵνα κατὰ πάντα τρόπον καὶ τὰ δημόσια παρασχεθῇ ὑγιῆ καὶ ἀμέριμνοι ζῆν ἐν τῇ ἑαυτῶν ἑστίᾳ δυνηθῶσι. 10. So because of this indulgence of ours they ought to supplicate their God for our safety, the safety of the people, and their own safety, that the public welfare may be preserved in every place and that they may live securely in their own homes. Vnde iuxta hanc indulgentiam nostram debebunt Deum suum orare pro salute nostra, et Reipublicae, ac sua, ut undiqueuersum Respublica perstet incolumis, et securi uiuere in sedibus suis possint.

Created by RR 10-9-23

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