P. Jaffé and F. Kaltenbrunner, Regesta Pontificum Romanorum Ab Condita Ecclesia Ad Annum Post Christum Natum MCXCVIII, 2nd ed. (Leipzig 1885), 28.

The first edition of Jaffe-Kaltenbrunner used a different numbering system than the second edition, translated here. Extant letters considered genuine were listed in one numbering system, and letters considered false were listen in another. In the second edition of the Regesta, both genuine and spurious letters are included in one numbering system. An asterisk (*) indicates a letter no longer extant. A dagger (†) before a letter number indicates that the letter is considered false by Jaffe-Kaltenbrunner.

In addition, an Arabic numeral in parentheses following the letter number indicates the letter’s number in the first edition’s list of extant genuine letters, e.g., Letter 209 (40). A Roman numeral in parentheses following the letter number indicated the letter’s number in the first edition’s list of false letters, e.g., Letter †207 (CLI).

All information found within the chart, including parenthetical and bracketed information, is found in Jaffe-Kaltenbrunner. Any additional information will be found in the footnotes.

Date Place Letter Historical Event or Content of Letter Bibliographic Reference
July 2 He takes the pontificate “on the 6th before the Nones of July.” The note of this consular catalogue says, “In the eighth consulship of Maximian, the sole consul, which in the month of September became the consulship of Volusianus and Rufinus,” looking to the year 311. But this does not agree with the timespan it gives for his pontificate, which is 3 years, 6 months, 9 (8) days. For it is certain that Miltiades’ life had ended by 314. Since this timespan is corroborated by almost every other source, we ignore that note on the consuls and assign the beginning of the pontificate of Miltiades to 310. And so the see had been vacant after Eusebius for more than 9 months. LC p. 636
“He sends deacons (among them Strato and Cassianus) with a letter of the Emperor Maxentius and a letter of the praetorian prefect to the prefect of the city so that they might accept these things which, now that the time of the persecution was over, said emperor ordered to be returned to the Christians.” AUG1 d. 31
(AUG 33.83-84
[PL 43:645-646]);
AUG2 33.1092
(PL 43:661)
Oct 2 In the house of Fausta, in the Lateran A synod of 19 bishops, assembled by the order of the emperor Constantine (See Eusebius), in which, as Caecilianus was approved bishop of Carthage, Donatus was rejected. EUS1 10.5;
OPT p. 233
(PL 11:931);
AUG1 d. 34
(AUG 33.70-71,79,81
[PL 43:637,644,645]);
AUG2 33.1515
(PL 43:687);
CON (MAN 2:463;
PL 8:483);
HEF 1:199
Mar 1 †171 (cxxix) Apostolici praecepti verba.”
He writes to Marinus, Benedictus, Leontius and the rest of the bishops in the parts of Spain, “Let them be unwilling to judge bishops. Let them be unwilling to condemn without the authority of the apostolic see.” “Major cases, as they are the responsibilities of the offices of the bishops and superiors, flow together to the one see of the blessed Peter.” And he adds about the appeal to the apostolic see, about the sacraments of the laying on of hands and of baptism, and about how fasts should not be made on Sunday or Thursday.”
PS-IS p. 242;
MAN 2:428;
PL 7:1115
†172 (cxxx) Nemo qui scripturas divinas.”
He publishes a decree “about the early church and the generosities of Emperor Constantine the Great towards it.”
PS-IS p. 247;
MAN 2:600;
PL 8:565
†173 Placuit per Omnia.”
He decrees that no one should attend to approaching another church for the sake of burial except he who through the advantage of ancient parents is allowed by canonical institution to lie beneath it, unless he was shackled by infirmity after travelling to another region for business.
GRA C13q2c7
Jan 11 (10) He dies “on the 3rd day before the Ides of January in the consulship of Volusianus and Annianus.” There is doubt as to whether that note or that of Depositio episcoporum, “On the third day before the Ides of January was that of Miltiades in Calistus'” must be preferred. (About the place of burial, cf. Rossi .) LC 1.1;
DEP p. 631;
ROS 2:188

1 AUG1 d. 3 c. 18.34-35

2 AUG2 1.13.17

3 OPT 1.23

4 AUG1 d. 3 c. 13.25, 17.32, 18.34

5 AUG2 1.33.56

Bibliographic References:

AUG = S. Augustini opera omnia, ed. Caillau (Paris 1842)

    AUG1 = breviculus collationis cum Donatistis, in AUG
    AUG2 = ad Donatistas post collationem, in AUG

CON = letter of Constantine to Aelasius

DEP = Depositio episcoporum, in Mommsen, Roemische Geschichte (Leipzig, 1856)

EUS = Eusebius of Caesarea

    EUS1 = Eusebii Pamphilii Historia ecclesiastica, in Historiae ecclesiasticae scriptrores graeci (Amsterdam, 1695)

GRA = Gratiani decretum in Corp. iur. can.

HEF = Hefele, Conciliengeschichte (Freiburg i. Br., 1873)

LC = Liberian Catalogue, in Mommsen, Roemische Geschichte (Leipzig, 1856)

MAN = Mansi, Conciliorum amplissima collectio (Florence, 1759)

OPT = Optatus Milevitanus, De schismate Donatistarum, ed. Dupin (Antverpia, 1702)

PL = Migne, Patrologiae cursus complectus. Series latina.

PS-IS = Decretales Pseudo-Isidorianae et Capitula Angilrammi, ed. Hinschius (Leipzig, 1863)

ROS = De Rossi, La Roma Sotteranea Cristiana (Rome, 1864)


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