Document: Commentary on Ecclesiastes
Reference: CPL 583, Stegmuller 3351
Incipit: Memini me ante
Addressee: Paula and Eustochium
Date: 388/389 (Kelly p. 110)
Earliest ms.: Wurzburg, Germany: Universitatsbibliothek, M.P.Th.Q.2, f 1-113. 5-7th century. (Lambert, II: p. 57)
Latin Text: M. Adriaen, ed., Hebraicae quaestiones in libro Geneseos…Commentarius in Ecclesiasten, CChr.SL vol. 72 (Turnhout 1959), pp. 249-361.Migne, ed., Commentarius In Ecclesiasten, PL vol. 23, coll. 1009-1116C.
English Translation: The preface is translated by W.H. Fremantle in, “Preface to the Commentary on Ecclesiastes” in NPNF2, vol. 6 (New York, 1893), p. 487.

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