Document: Commentary on Ephesians
Reference: CPL 591, Stegmuller 3381; 3400-3402; cfr 3438
Addressee: Paula and Eustochium
Date: c. 387 (Kelly p. 88)
Earliest ms.: Paris, France: Bibliotheque Nationale, Lat. 1854. 9th century. (Lambert, II: 288)
Latin Text:  Migne, ed., Commentariorum In Epistolas Paulinas ad Galatas, ad Ephesios, ad Titum, ad Philemonem, PL vol. 26, coll. 439-554.
English Translations: Ronald E. Heine, editor, translator, and introduction, The Commentaries of Origen and Jerome on St. Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians (Oxford 2002)
Prefaces to the Commentaries W.H. Fremantle, “Galatians, Ephesians, Philemon, and Titus” in NPNF2, vol. 6 (New York, 1893), pp. 496-98.
Notes: Heine states that Jerome’s commentary on Ephesians was based on Origen’s commentary of the same book, but polished and edited so that offensive parts were removed (pp. 5-7.)

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