Document: Letter 58
Reference: Stegmuller 3307
Incipit: “Bonus homo…” et ex fructibus arbor agnoscitur
Addressee: Paulinus Presbyter
Date: 395 (Kelly p. 192)
Earliest ms.: Lyon, France: 600. (517), f. 19v. 7-8th century. (Lambert, I: p. 668)
Latin Text: CSEL 54, pp. 527-541; Duff, pp. 217-27.
English Translation: Fremantle,  pp. 119-123
Notes: In this his second letter to Paulinus of Nola Jerome dissuades him from making a pilgrimage to the Holy Places, and describes Jerusalem not as it ought to be but as it is. He then gives his friend counsels for his life similar to those which he has previously addressed to Nepotian, praises Paulinus for his Panegyric (now no longer extant) on the Emperor Theodosius, compares his style with those of the great writers of the Latin Church, and concludes with a commendation of his messenger, that Vigilantius who was soon to become the object of his bitterest contempt. (Fremantle)

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