Document: Letter 66
Incipit: Sanato/Saluato uulneri/uulnere et in cicatrice{m}
Addressee: Pammachius
Date: 398 (Kelly p. 215)
Earliest ms.: Naples, Italy: Biblioteca Nazionale, VI.D.59, f. 95b and following. 6-7th century. (Lambert, I: p. 715)
Latin Text: CSEL 54, pp. 647-665; Duff, pp. 246-54.
English Translation: Fremantle,  pp. 134-140
Notes: Pammachius, a Roman senator, had lost his wife Paulina one of Paula’s daughters, while she was still in the flower of her youth. It was not till two years had elapsed that Jerome ventured to write to him; and when he did so he dwelt but little on the life and virtues of Paulina. Probably there was but little to tell. The greater part of the letter is taken up with commendation of Pammachius himself who, in spite of his high rank and position, had become a monk and was now living a life of severe self-denial. Jerome speaks approvingly of the Hospice for Strangers which, in conjunction with Fabiola, Pammachius had set up at Portus, and describes his own somewhat similar institutions at Bethlehem. He also mentions Paula, Eustochium, and the dead Blaesilla, all in terms of the highest praise. – Fremantle

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