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CPG 3705
Actual Author or Source Vitalis of Antioch
Source of Attribution to Julius I Apollinarian forgery (possibly just a copyist error)
Text Greek: Lietzmann, Apollinaris von Laodicea und seine Schule: Texte und Untersuchungen, 273; ACO 1.1.5
Syriac: CSCO vol. 83, 195-196; Flemming-Lietzmann 54-55; Chabot vol. 4, 248
Other Translations  Latin: CSCO vol 87, 135-136
German: Graf, “Unechte Zeugnisse,” 230
French: Chabot vol 2, 138-139
English: Hamilton and Brooks, 90
Source of Information Thompson, Correspondence of Julius I, xxxv-xxxvii, xxxix, 180-182

But we still believe also concerning our Savior’s dispensation according to the flesh that with God the Word remaining unchangeable and unchanged the incarnation has happened for the renewal of humanity. For although he was truly the Son of God according to his eternal generation from the God, he also became Son of Man according to his birth from a virgin. And the same one is completely God according to his deity and consubstantial with the Father and completely man according to his birth from a virgin and consubstantial with men according to his flesh.
If someone says that Christ has his body from heaven or is consubstantial with God according to his flesh, let him be eternally condemned.
If anyone does not confess that the Lord’s flesh is from the holy Virgin and is consubstantial with men, let him be eternally condemned.
If anyone says that our Lord and Savior, is born of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary according to his flesh without soul or sense or reason or mind, let him be eternally condemned.
If anyone dares to say that Christ has suffered in his deity and not in his flesh as is written, let him be eternally condemned.
If anyone divides and separates our Lord and Savior and says that one is the Son, God the Word, and the other is the assumed man and does not confess that he is one and the same, let him be eternally condemned.

Translated by AMJ

Last updated: 8-31-2012

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