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Fragment number Vinzent 22
Klostermann 88
Rettb. 78
Ancient source used Eusebius, Against Marcellus
Modern edition M. Vinzent, Markell von Ankyra: Die Fragmente (Leiden, 1997).

But if it is necessary to speak the truth about Origen, it is fitting to say this: Origen had just recently given up the teachings of philosophy and chosen to attend to the Divine Words. When Origen began to write, which was sooner than he should have because he did not yet have an accurate grasp of the Scriptures, because of his great and enviable secular education he was led astray by the words of philosophy. Because of these he wrote nothing good at all. This is clear. For still remembering the dogmas of Plato and the distinctions of principles found in him, he has written a book on principles and gave the composition the title “On Principles.” But the greatest proof of this is that he took his title and his opening phrase from none other than the words of Plato. For when he began he wrote, “Those who believe and have been convinced.” You can find this exact expression in Plato’s Gorgias.

Translated by PSAM, revised AMJ

Last updated: 1-11-2023

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