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Fragment number Vinzent 35
Klostermann 17
Rettb. 14
Ancient source used Eusebius, Against Marcellus
Modern edition M. Vinzent, Markell von Ankyra: Die Fragmente (Leiden, 1997).

“Before the age he laid my foundation” (Pro 8:23). This foundation he names is the foreordained dispensation according to his flesh, as also the apostle says, “For no one can lay any foundation other than the one that has been laid, which is Jesus Christ” (1 Cor 3:11) Here he mentions only one age because he was speaking of the things of Christ being laid, even though there are many ages which have passed, as David said, “The one who existed before the ages” (Ps 55:19).

Translated by PSAM, revised AMJ

Last updated: 8-29-2012

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