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Fragment number Vinzent 61
Klostermann 54
Rettb. 49
Ancient source used Eusebius, Against Marcellus 2.2., On Ecclesiastical Theology 2.1.
Modern edition M. Vinzent, Markell von Ankyra: Die Fragmente (Leiden, 1997).

Now what was it which descended before becoming a man? Certainly he says, “A spirit.” For if he would want to say something other than this, he will not find agreement with the Angel who said to the virgin, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you” (Lk 1:35). And if he says that it was a spirit, let him listen to the Savior say, “God is spirit” (Jn 4:24).

Translated by AMJ

Last updated: 8-29-2012

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