Latin Title: Sermo cum iret in exsilium
Reference: CPG 4397
PG 52, 435-438
Incipit: Φαιδρὸς ἡμῖν ὁ λόγος
Date: Autumn 403 (Kelly)
Greek Text: E. Bonfiglio, “John Chrysostom’s discourses on his first exile. Prolegomena to a critical edition of the Sermo antequam iret in exsilium and of the Sermo cum iret in exsilium”, unpub. DPhil dissertation, Pembroke College, University of Oxford, 2011.
Other Ancient Versions: Armenian (see CPG Vol. 2 p. 513)
Other Modern Translations: Spanish (see Centre for Early Christian Studies)
Notes: Bonfiglio casts serious doubt on the authenticity of this homily, as well as some of the other homilies concerning John’s first exile. Kelly, however, believes this sermon may have been passed down in bits and pieces by friendly listeners, thus accounting for the disjointedness of the sermon. He cites a clear link of content and themes between this portion and three earlier sections in his Sermon Before He Went into Exile as evidence of its authenticity. He also notes a quotation from Job which John Chrysostom used in this sermon. In his 1st Sermon After His Return from Exile John mentions that he had used this exact quotation from Job in the last sermon he preached to the people.

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