This volume was reprinted in America in May, 1983, by WM. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Volume 14: The Seven Ecumenical Councils
Editor/Translator: Henry R. Percival
The First Ecumenical Council: The First Council of Nice
The Nicene Creedp. 3-7
The Canons of the Holy Fathers Assembled in the City of Nice, in Bithyniap. 8-50
Proposed Action on Clerical Celibacyp. 51-52
The Synodal Letterp. 53-56
The Canons of the Councils of Ancyra, Gangra, Neocaesarea, Antioch, and Laodicea
The Council of Ancyra
Historical Notep.61-62
The Canons of the Council of Ancyrap. 63-75
The Council of Neocaesarea
Historical Notep. 78
The Canons of the Holy and Blessed Fathers Who Assembled at Neocaesarea, Which Are Indeed Later in Date Than Those Made at Ancyra, But More Ancient Than the Nicene: However, the Synod of Nice Has Been Placed Before Them on Account of Its Peculiar Dignityp. 79-86
The Council of Gangra
Historical Notep. 89-90
Synodical Letter of the Council of Gangrap. 91
The Canons of the Holy Fathers Assembled at Gangra, Which Were Set Forth After the Council of Nicep. 92-101
The Synod of Antioch in Encaeniis
Historical Notep. 105-106
The Synodal Letterp. 107
The Canons of the Blessed and Holy Fathers Assembled at Antioch in Syriap. 108-121
The Synod of Laodicea
Historical Notep. 124
The Canons of the Synod Held in the City of Laodicea, in Phrygia Pacatiana, in Which Many Blessed Fathers From Divers Provinces of Asia Were Gathered Togetherp. 125-160
The Second Ecumenical Council: The First Council of Constantinople
Historical Notep. 162
The Holy Creed Which the 150 Fathers Set Forth, Which is Consonant With the Holy and Great Synod of Nicep. 163-169
Letter of the Same Holy Synod to the Most Pious Emperor Theodosius the Great, to Which Are Appended the Canons Enacted by Themp. 170
Canons of the One Hundred and Fifty Fathers Who Assembled at Constantinople During the Consulate of Those Illustrious Men, Flavius Eucherius and Flavius Evagrius on the VII of the Ides of Julyp. 172-187
The Synodical Letterp. 188-190
The Third Ecumenical Council: The Council of Ephesus
Historical Introductionp. 192-195
Extracts from the Acts
Session Ip. 199-219
The Epistle of Cyril to Nestoriusp. 197-198
The XII Anathematisms of St. Cyril Against Nestoriusp. 206-218
Decree of the Council Against Nestoriusp. 218-219
Session IIp. 219-223
The Letter of Pope Celestine to the Synod of Ephesusp. 220-221
Session IIIp. 223-224
The Canons of the Two Hundred Holy Fathers Who Met at Ephesusp. 225-235
The Letter of the Same Holy Synod of Ephesus to the Sacred Synod in Pamphylia Concerning Eustathiusp. 236
The Letter of the Synod to Pope Celestinep. 237-239
The Definition of the Holy and Ecumenical Synod of Ephesus Against the Impious Messaliansp. 240-242
Decree of the Synod in the Matter of Euprepius and Cyrilp. 242
The Fourth Ecumenical Council: The Council of Chalcedon
General Introductionp. 244-246
Extracts from the Acts
Session Ip. 247-248
Session IIp. 248-259
The Letter of Cyril to John of Antiochp. 251-253
The Tome of St. Leop. 254-258
Session IIIp. 259-260
The Condemnation Sent by the Holy and Ecumenical Synod to Discorsusp. 260
Session IVp. 260-261
Session Vp. 261
The Definition of Faith of the Council of Chalcedonp. 262-265
Session VIp. 265
Decree on the Jurisdiction of Jerusalem and Antiochp. 266
The Decree With Regard to the Bishop of Ephesusp. 266
Decree with Regard to Nicomediap. 267
The XXX Canons of the Holy and Fourth Synods, of Chalcedonp. 267-295
The Fifth Ecumenical Council: The Second Council of Constantinople
Historical Introductionp. 299-300
Extracts from the Acts
Session Ip. 302-303
Session VIIp. 304-305
The Sentence of the Synodp. 306-311
The Capitula of the Churchp. 312-316
The Anathemas Against Origenp. 318-319
The Anathemas of the Emperor Justinian Against Origenp. 320
The Decretal Epistle of Pope Vigilius in Confirmation of the Fifth Ecumenical Synodp. 321-323
The Sixth Ecumenical Council: The Third Council of Constantinople
Historical Introductionp. 326
Extracts from the Acts
Session Ip. 327
The Letter of Agatho, Pope of Old Rome, to the Emperor, and the Letter of Agatho and of 125 Bishopsp. 328-339
The Letter of Agatho and of the Roman Synod of 125 Bishops which was Sent to Serve as an Instruction to the Legates Sent to Attend the Sixth Synodp. 340-341
Session VIIIp. 343
Session XIIIp. 342-343
Session XVIp. 343
The Definition of Faithp. 344-346
The Prosphoneticus to the Emperorp. 347-348
Letter of the Council to St. Agathop. 349-350
The Imperial Edict Posted in the Third Atrium of the Great Church Near What is Called Dicymbalap. 353
The Canons of the Council in Trullo; Often Called the Quinisext Council
Introductory Notep. 356-358
The Canons of the Council in Trullop. 359-408
The Canons of the Synods of Sardica, Carthage, Constantinople, and Carthage Under St. Cyprian
The Council of Sardica
Introductionp. 413-414
The Canons of the Council of Sardicap. 415-436
The Canons of the CCXVII Blessed Fathers Who Assembled at Carthage
Introductory Notep. 438-440
The Canons of the 217 Blessed Fathers Who Assembled at Carthagep. 441-510
The Council of Constantinople Held Under Nectarius
Introductory Notep. 512
Council of Constantinople Under Nectarius of Constantinople and Thophilus of Alexandriap. 513-514
The Council of Carthage Held Under Cyprian
Introductory Notep. 516
The Synod Held at Carthage Over Which Presided the Great and Holy Martyr Cyprian, Bishop of Carthagep. 517-519
The Seventh Ecumenical Council: The Second Council of Nice
Introductionp. 523-528
The Divine Sacra Sent by the Emperors Constantine and Irene p. 529-532
Extracts from the Acts
Session Ip. 533-535
Session IIp. 536-539
Session IIIp. 539
Session IVp. 539-542
Session VIp. 542
Epitome of the Definition of the Iconoclastic Conciliabulump. 543-548
The Decree of the Holy, Great, Ecumenical Synodp. 549-554
The Canons of the Holy and Ecumenical Seventh Councilp. 555-570
The Letter of the Synod to the Emperor and Empressp. 571-574
Excursus on the Two Letters of Gregory II to the Emperor Leop. 575-577
Examination of the Caroline Booksp. 578-587
Appendix Containing Canons and Rulings Not Having Conciliar Origin But Approved by Name in Canon II of the Synod in Trullo
Introductionp. 591-593
The Canons of the Holy and Altogether August Apostlesp. 594-600
I. The Letter of the Blessed Dionysius, the Archbishop of Alexandriap. 600
II. The Canons of the Blessed Peter, Archbishop of Alexandriap. 601
III. The Canonical Epistle of St. Gregoryp. 602
IV. The Epistle of St. Athanasius to the Monk Ammus (and others)p. 602-603
V. The First Canonical Epistle of Our Holy Father Basil (and others)p. 604-605
VI. The Canonical Epistle of St. Gregory, Bishop of Nyssap. 611
VII. From the Metre Poems of St. Gregory Theologusp. 612
VIII. From the Iambics of St. Amphilochiusp. 612
IX. The Canonical Answers of Timothy, the Most Holy Bishop of Alexandriap. 612-613
X. The Prosphonesus of Theophilus, Archbishop of Alexandria (and others)p. 613-615
XI. The Canonical Epistle of Our Holy Father Among the Saints, Cyrilp. 615
XII. The Encyclical Letter of Gennadius, Patriarch of Constantinoplep. 615
Indexesp. 619-671

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