2.28.1 Hosius, bishop of Cordova, for the holy churches of God in Rome, Spain, all Italy, and the other provinces beyond me up to the ocean, through the Roman priests Vito and Vincent accompanying him.

2.28.2 Alexander of Alexandria, with Athanasius, then archdeacon, for the churches in all Egypt, Libya, the Pentapolis, and the neighboring regions up to the provinces of India.

2.28.3 Eustathius of great Antioch, for the churches in Coele Syria, all Mesopotamia, and both Cilicias.

2.28.4 John the Persian, for the churches in all Persia and Greater India.

2.28.5 Leontius of Caesarea in Cappadocia, which is the ornament of our Lord’s church, for the churches in Cappadocia itself, Galatia, Diospontus, Paphlagonia, Pontus Polemoniacus, and Lesser and Greater Armenia.

2.28.6 Theonas of Cyzicus, for the churches in Asia, the Hellespont, Lydia, and Caria, through his subordinate bishops Eutychius of Smyrna and Marinus of Troas.

2.28.7 Macarius of Jerusalem, with Eusebius Pamphili, bishop of Caesarea, for the churches in Palestine, Arabia, and Phoenicia.

2.28.8 Alexander of Thessalonica, through his subordinates, for the churches in Macedonia Prima and Secunda along with Greece, all of Europe, both Scythias, and all the churches in Illyricum, Thessaly, and Achaea.

2.28.9 Nunechius of Laodicea, for the churches in Phrygia Prima and Secunda.

2.28.10 Protogenes, the admirable bishop of Sardica, for the churches in Dacia, Calabria, Dardania, and the neighboring regions.

2.28.11 Caecilian of Carthage, for the holy churches of God in all the provinces of Africa, Numidia, and both Mauritanias.

2.28.12 Pistus of Marcianopolis, for the churches in Mysia, the provinces of Athens and Gaul, and their neighboring cities.

2.28.13 Alexander of Constantinople, then still a priest but later granted the bishopric of the local church, together with Paul, then still a lector, Alexander’s secretary, for the churches on all the islands of the Cyclades.

2.28.14 All these holy apostolic men delivered the decisions of the holy great ecumenical Synod of Nicaea to all the holy churches of God under heaven and brought them to all parts of the world.


Next Chapter – 2.29 The emperor rises from the throne and offers up words of thanksgiving to God

Previous Chapter – 2.27 The publication of the catholic and apostolic faith set forth by the Council of Nicaea, at the time of the most God-loving Emperor Constantine

Click here to read Book 1 in its entirety.


Created by RR 8-20-21

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