2.29.1 Emperor Constantine rejoiced in the exposition of the orthodox apostolic faith pronounced by the Holy Spirit through our three hundred holy fathers as if from one mouth, confirmed by all. He rose from his throne before the entire crowd of holy high priests and all who assembled for that holy discussion of the faith.

2.29.2 He stretched out his hands, turned his eyes toward God in heaven, and praised God, the Savior and benefactor of us all, because God had made the bishops united, as he desired, and had led them to agree about the true saving faith.

2.29.3 The God-loving emperor, who was excellent in every respect, had such concern for the churches of God and for peaceful unity among their shepherds.

2.29.4 I think it is reasonable to include in my narrative the words Eusebius Pamphili excellently chose at the beginning of his account of this (what was discussed at the council, I mean) in the third book of his Life of Constantine:

2.29.5 While both sides advanced many arguments and some initially started intense quarrels, the praiseworthy emperor listened to everything, calmly accepting the proposals of both factions.

2.29.6 Taking up the statements of each side in turn, he gently took those who were stubbornly contentious and dealt kindly with each of them. He spoke Greek, for he was familiar with it.

2.29.7 So he proved to be friendly and pleasant, winning some by persuasion, rebuking others with words, commending those who spoke well, and compelling everyone to unity until he had led them to a common opinion and belief with him so that the pious formula of faith prevailed unanimously and they confirmed the saving faith truly pronounced by the Holy Spirit through all our aforementioned holy fathers.

2.29.8 At that time he also ordered by law that everyone must agree on a common date for the saving festival of Easter.

2.29.9 Then he had them confirm their common belief in writing with their signatures and encouraged the bishops to codify individual regulations and laws for the church in writing.


Next Chapter – 2.30 Acesius, a Novatian bishop and those on his side

Previous Chapter – 2.28 The bishops’ descriptions of the faith

Click here to read the entire ACH account of the Council of Nicaea (2.5-2.38) side-by-side with the Greek text.

Click here to read Book 1 in its entirety.


Created by RR 8-20-21

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