3.2.1 His burning zeal for Christianity was so immensely strong as to lead all outsiders to true knowledge of the living God. For he wrote to all the peoples subject to Roman authority, and he encouraged them, first, with an exhortation to be released from the earlier deception, then with an appeal that they turn themselves over to the teaching of God our Savior and all return to the truth. He acted more like an apostle than an emperor.

3.2.2 He urged the bishops in each city to build churches not only by enjoining them with letters but also by eagerly giving money and defraying the expenses of building. His letter explains this as follows:1


Next Chapter – 3.3 The emperor’s letter to Eusebius Pamphili about the building of churches

Previous Chapter – 3.1 The things which were treated/written after the great synod

Click here to read Book 1 in its entirety.


Created by RR 1-16-22

  1. The following letter is also preserved in Eusebius, Vita Const. 2.46; Socrates 1.9.46-49; Theodoret 1.15.1-2.

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