The following is a list comparing side-by-side the alternative chronologies of the early Arian period. The links on the leftmost column will take you to a translation of the document. For more detaileds lists of each of the individual dating systems, click on the following links:

Urk. (doc.) Opitz date Williams date Parvis date Vol.3.3 (2007) date
1 (15) c. 318 321/2 early Spring 322 323-324
2 (16) c. 318 321/2 mid-year 322 320-324
3 (20) c. 318 321-323 mid-year 322 320-322
4a (2.1) 318/9 Jan./Feb. 325 Spring 323 318-320
4b (2.2) c. 318 early 325 Spring 323 318-320
5 (3) c. 320 324 mid-year 322 318-320
6 (1) c. 320 321 mid-year 322 318-320
7 (9) c. 320 325 mid-year 323 318-320
8 (4) c. 320 323 end 322 318-320
9 (5) c. 320 324 mid-year 323 318-320
10 (8) c. 321/2 321 Autumn 323 320-322
11 (11) c. 322 321-323 322-323 320-322
12 (6) c. 322 321-323 322-323 318-320
13 (7) c. 322 321-323 322-323 318-320
14 (17) 324 321/2 Spring 323 323-324
15 (14) 324 323 Spring 323 320-322
16 (18) ? Spring 323 323-324
17 (19) Oct. 324 Dec. 324 Fall 324 323-324
18 (20) early 325 early 325 late 324 early 325
19 (21) 325 late 324 325
20 (22) Spring 325 early 325 325
21 (23) June 325 325
22 (24) June 325 325
23 (25) June 325 325
24 (26) 19 June 325 325
25 (29) June 325 325
26 (30) June 325 325
27 (31) Nov./Dec. 325 326-327
28 (32) Nov./Dec. 325 326-327
29 (33) 27 Nov. 327 326-327
30 (34) late 327 326-327
31 (36) late 327 327-329
32 (37) early 328 327-329
33 (28) 333 325*
34 (27) 333 325*
(12) 320-322
– (13) a, b 320-322
– (35.1) 327
– (35.2) 327

*Timothy Barnes disagrees with this earlier dating, and instead supports the original date of 333. See “The Exile and Recalls of Arius,” The Journal of Theological Studies 60 (2009): 109-129.

Created by SMT

Last updated: 1-31-2012

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